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A Message To Our SHC Clients

Apr 26, 2020

Insurance Broking Solutions

Firstly, we would like to take this opportunity to wish for all our clients to stay safe and well in these very unusual and difficult times. We have withheld communicating with you to date on Coronavirus purposely for fear of you being overwhelmed by emails on all things Coronavirus.

This is a quick notification that we are well prepared and working from home. SHC continues to service all your immediate general insurance needs to ensure you will not be impacted by this event. Our staff are working tirelessly in providing the normal insurance services you require at this point of time.


We continue to manage claims on your behalf to ensure you receive the best possible outcome in the event of a loss. Whether it is an ongoing claim or new, we do not expect any delays due to the Coronavirus to interrupt lodgement, assessment or payment of claims. For those clients with outstanding claims relating to the summer weather and fire events, our Insurers have put more resources on to prioritise their finalisation.


Notify SHC Insurance Brokers of a claim on 1300 550 665.


If the potential effects of Coronavirus are detrimental on you or your business and you expect or are experiencing problems with cashflows and payment of your insurances, we can help. We suggest you consider taking out premium funding to help ease the premium payments over a number of months. If finances are tight or expected to tighten, you still need to insure against possible financial losses. So please call us to discuss the options that may be open to you.


For an insurance payment solution contact SHC Insurance Brokers on 1300 550 665

We're here to help

We’re committed to supporting you through the highs and lows, and we know this is a particularly difficult and uncertain time. If you and your business has been impacted by Coronavirus, please go to our website at shcorp.com.au or get in touch with your account broker to discuss your situation and how we can provide ongoing support during this time. In these times of isolation, we have also ensured we are set up for Zoom video conferencing so you can arrange face-to-face meetings, if required.

We remain focused on providing you the best service we can deliver as we navigate this challenge together.